The London Mindframe: Part 2

The London Mindframe: Part 2

Despite its capital status and the allure and privilege that comes with it, living and working in London hasn’t been easy this past year when you take into account how hard it’s been hit by both Brexit and Covid. We’re not going to dwell on that, though, as looking forward confidently and with a positive attitude is what’s really needed. So, as a nation with its fingers crossed, let’s march onwards towards those clear skies.

As part of the launch of Kirk Originals’ SS21 collection, we shot and spoke with eight men living and working in London on a number of topics; from what they’ve discovered in this great city, to how they’re really feeling inside and how to sustain a positive mind frame. Herein is Part 2, with Leon Cerrone and Jack Stammers.



Leon Cerrone

Wearing left to right: BridewellHays

First up, what’s your age, where are you based, what’s your profession and what’s your side hustle? 

I’m 38-years-old and currently living in Islington. I work for the Savile Row tailor Richard James and in addition to that my side hustles I suppose would be running and cycling – I have the pleasure of working closely with the amazing people at Rapha, and have featured in every campaign since 2014, including this season. I’m also a massive record collector and have been for years. It started with dad, he was a DJ and had stacks of records and ended up passing the ones down to me I hadn’t scratched to death! Genre wise, it’s a mixed bag of hip hop, jazz, northern soul and a lot of Latin stuff, too. I have a radio show starting on Run Dem Radio pretty soon, which I’m super excited about.

How’s this last year been for you personally and how have you kept positive?

This last year has allowed us time to really look deep within ourselves. What did you learn about yourself and what’s the key to personal progression? 

I’ve learnt I could cook over the last year and I’ve really enjoyed having the time to cook more during lockdown. My father is Italian so I’ve been cooking lots of Italian dishes; everything from pasta alla norcina to Sunday gravy with meatballs and bracole. And of course my homemade Cerrone’s Cannolis!

What lessons could London learn from this last year in how to cultivate and nurture a better and more inclusive society?

I don’t think I’ve found anything new but I’ve fallen back in love with riding my bike in the North London hills. You can’t beat watching the sunrise over the Alexandra Palace or riding or running the parkland trail which is an old railway track that they’ve turned into a trail. I've spent many an hour there with the dog during lockdown. 

What does modern-day confidence mean to you and how would you define it as a Londoner?

I guess this is going to sound really cliched but to me modern day confidence is simply being comfortable within yourself. I suffer from severe depression, which I’m on antidepressants for, however I’m comfy and happy within myself about it. If this makes sense, to me that’s given me more confidence than anything – being comfy with yourself. It’s certainly made me feel at home here and I now feel more like a Londoner. I’m from Birmingham originally, and now this place certainly feels like home and I’ve been able to embrace it! Just don’t tell my dad – he hates it when I visit him in Birmingham and call London home!

You can find Leon on Instagram, here.


Jack Stammers

Wearing left to right: BobbyAnthony

First up, what’s your age, where are you based, what’s your profession and what’s your side hustle? 

I’m 38-years-old and I live in Leigh-on-Sea. I’m co-founder of Jack Davison Bespoke, which is a tailor based by St Paul’s Cathedral in the heart of The City. My side hustle I guess has pretty much been looking after my 6 year old son – attempting home schooling and everything else that goes with it as my wife’s a key worker for the NHS - apparently making suits doesn’t class as essential work!

How’s this last year been for you personally and how have you kept positive?

This year’s been incredibly tough. We were forced pretty much to be closed for 7 of the last 12 months, but it’s allowed me more time than I would ever have had to hang out with my young son. That alone has kept me busy, leaving no time for boredom – something I see others have had to face. In terms of being positive, I like to think I’m generally a pretty positive person and I think keeping busy stops you from getting down. So in the time that I did have, I was always on the phone or Zoom with my business partner Will and we’ve consequently created a small ready-to-wear collection that we’re really excited about launching soon for spring/summer 21.

This last year has allowed us time to really look deep within ourselves. What did you learn about yourself and what’s the key to personal progression?

In this last year I’ve realised so much it’s hard to list. I hadn’t consciously realised how much I enjoy sport and competing. I’ve learned to slow down and chill more, the challenge of work being closed has really taught me the importance to adapt and evolve, which I hope will be a good lesson and has led to the next phase at Jack Davison, with an extra dimension to the business in the form of an ecommerce shop.

What lessons could London learn from this last year in how to cultivate and nurture a better and more inclusive society?

What could London learn? That tracksuits are so 2020 and everyone needs to smarten up and wear suits! I’m not too sure – that’s a really hard one, maybe how everyone’s got their own struggles going on and the importance of checking in on people, even those who seem totally fine on the surface.

What does modern-day confidence mean to you and how would you define it as a Londoner?

For me, I think modern day confidence is someone who is totally comfortable in their own skin whether wearing old jeans and a T shirt or a sharp bespoke suit. In terms of being a Londoner, that’s a hard one for me, as I’ve barely spent any time in London apart from the odd trip to work. It has made me appreciate what a great city it is and I can’t wait for the normal hustle and bustle we took for granted to return. As far as views go, you can’t beat St Pauls, right?

You can find Jack on Instagram, here.